Member Highlight for november
Tell us about yourself
My name is Al Felder, also known as Heck which is short for "hectic." Growing up, that was a nickname I got - and also for being on the go go go! I use that handle for writing graffiti. I was born in Brooklyn and raised between the 2 boroughs. Staten Island always felt like home.
Angry Elephant was created in one of the darkest yet most shining moments in my life. I was incarcerated for nearly two decades in federal prison for "drug conspiracy". During that time, I received such bad news about my 10 year old son. He was thrown out a window from a van that flipped over due to a faulty tire on the way down to Disney. He was unconscious on a pitch black highway in Florida and couldn't be found for a half hour. I was woken up at 12 at night on my birthday and asked to go to the office so prison officials could tell me; and then was questioned about trying to escape. He was in a coma and I called to check on him for days. On the 10th day (his mom's birthday), I asked if someone could place the phone to his ear so he could hear my voice, because I couldn't see him and he wasn't waking up. His mom was reluctant because it wasn't allowed but I insisted and she did. I smiled and just asked him softly if he was going lay there or get up and fight. The machines started ringing and his mom asked "What are you saying to him?" I smiled and said "He's gonna make it." The doctors ran in so she pulled the phone away. I told her he's gonna be ok and she couldn't believe it but was happy.
That day I was watching Nat Geo and it was an episode about how elephants are captured and broken. I couldn't believe how the elephants were treated and tortured, just to be able to work and to be ridden by people. I felt like that elephant in a small cage, and I thought this elephant has to be upset and angry, because I was for them. It reminded me of myself being in prison. I thought I have to do something on both sides to help raise awareness about this because most people, like myself, were very unaware. Angry Elephant was the start of my vision in 2007.
Being able to show my art through fashion awareness.
Do you have any upcoming projects you can tell us about?
In 2025, we want to start the Elephants Business Academy to teach youth about becoming an entrepreneur and finding the passion that will help keep them going.
My mom has been a part of Makerspace with DB and Scott for years. She asked if I could join and they have been amazing at helping and supporting us with Angry Elephant for years. So grateful for them and Makerspace.
What is your favorite tool at Makerspace?
All the tools are awesome! I can't choose one lol
WHERE TO FIND Angry elephant:
@Angryelephantnet on Instagram